Speed up your translation

From a customer’s perspective, translation is a balance between cost,
time and accuracy.
However, in many cases one must sacrifice one of these, to allow the other two to grow.
Using automatic translation software is quick and cheap,
but not accurate. Asking professionals is accurate and quick, but expensive. Meanwhile, doing it yourself is cheap and fairly accurate, but slow.

We at Parakaro aim to satisfy ALL THREE CONDITIONS by removing waste from the translation process.

We do so through our translation support tool xEngine. In xEngine we use previously created professional translation sentences and paragraphs, and automatically insert them into any new translation whenever the same phrase appears.
In documents such as manuals, explanations and documents using in manufacturing this will save a considerable amount of time. Imagine the number of times a word such as “quality” appears. Then think about how much time can be saved if the translator does not need to translate this. Also, time spent on disassembling and reassembling carefully made objects and drawings to translate one word is now a thing of the past.

Most importantly, this software works from any language to any language
as long as there are recordings in the dictionary and our specialist word dictionaries are carefully maintained by professionals and
are split by company, section, department, word usage and frequency to ensure that the most accurate translation is always provided.
This can reduce the translator’s workload by as much as 100% If all the words are in a dictionary,
which means that a simple check and layout tidy will suffice. And the money saved here can be passed on to the customer.
Have a look at the in-depth comparison between xEngine and other software as well as regular translation.